Individuals on PUAHate have the intensity in their disposition to change the world as few individuals in the pickup community do.
The individuals on this web site can shape history by changing the perception of psychiatry as a safe profession that has few abuses of power. Its abuses of power are endemic, they are built into the structure of its philosophy and resulting medical care.
Featuring Mr Right, Steamroller and JTR.
*UFC Recap with Brock Lesner
*Necrophilia with HHH
*Mae Young has a rubber hand in her vagina which Pat Patterson Delivers
*The greatest wrestling storylines of all time
*Steamroller discusses his favorite wrestler, Hulk Hogan
*Mr Right discusses the Invasion angle and were it went wrong
*Most shocking wrestling moments
*Death Poll: Which Wrestler will die next?
*Steamroller discusses politics in pickup
*Steamroller reveals who the old man is in the pic with him and his legal issues with being removed from The Game
Show will be available in 20 minutes at